You may have all noticed my complete failure so far at doing these things daily. Yeah, it's a little difficult for me. I get busy and sidetracked and tired and such things. I have some good news though throughout all of this! I am creating my story bears!
Yes, that's right. These things I have been talking about as just an idea for months are now coming together with such beauty and happiness.
The teddy bears are about the size of a soda can, if not smaller, so you can take one with you anywhere. They have little special boxes that I'm decorating and oh goodness they're so cool. I mean, they could always be cooler, I could be a much better seamstress but man am I excited! I've even attached some pictures of the process.

I have thus far created my first ever story bear who I will begin to treat as a bit of a "Flat Stanley" type thing. He'll come with me places and get his picture taking having some fun. I am working on his first little friend and first teddy to be listed for sale: Melissa.
And that's not all, folks, I've created a little short story on my deviantart littlewolfdreamer.deviantart.com and I've been active on there with a bunch of things. I'm trying guys! Trying! I will be successful!
On the Nanny side of things, I am not excited. "But why wouldn't you be excited for this opportunity?" Um, because I'm nocturnal and she needs me when I'd normally be asleep. It'll ruin my entire sleep schedule. I keep thinking I don't want to do it, but how else will I make money?
If these story bears or my writing takes off I won't have to do anything, but until then... Hey! It's only a couple months until Christmas! I might be able to do some advertising. Oh, and I just thought about three little girls who might want story bears of their own. Can we say Christmas Gift idea?

Oh, and the teddy I sacrificed? My older sister will be getting it for her golden birthday. I'll even replace the paws with leather ones. Just as a special touch. Perhaps I'll add some cool patches and stuff, too. All for my sisters :)
Um, hm, how am I feeling? I am... Doing well, actually. A little bit stressed and shizz but you know, it's not causing me problems at this very moment. But it was messing with me this morning. Can we say itching at scabs like mad? (See dermatillomania on my deviantart.)
Hm, so I said my writing was going well by talking about that short story... Yeah but other than that it's been pretty chillaxed. I finally posted that review for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it :)
The laptop is for this first composition part, then I'll be using my iPad to post the pictures in here. Then I'll come back on my laptop and put them how I want them in the post and then post it.
My camera is dead and I dunno where the cord is.
And last but not least, on the agenda tonight/today we will be finishing up The Nomad's first part to post to my deviantart. Huzzah!
With Love: Alexandria :3
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