- Harnessing cat purrs into usable energy
- Find someone that understands stuff like this
- Or just learn it all mahself
- And then employ someone to do the actual complex mathematics. Because there will definitely be complex mathematics.
- On a related note, making shakelight style phone chargers
- Solving the problem of death by "old age"
- We don't actually die of old age. Ever.
- Evolution doesn't care about how old we get.
- Metabolism and other "normal" things kill us.
- Yes I'm serious.
- Inventing a robot that would take my garbage out for me.
- Kidding. Mostly.
- Write a recipe book where everything is garlic based
- Make the title some terrible vampire pun
- Figure out how to write a "cozy mystery"
- And write one
- Because apparently they're popular right now
- Although I could just do a murder mystery instead
- Always a good idea
- Get a fitness specialist certification
- And do pretty much nothing with it because how does one even fitness business?
- The knowledge would be pretty cool though.
- Write a page on my life for every year of my life.
- Write pages for the last 21 years as well.
- Try to become a centenarian.
- Make sure someone knows to publish it when I die.
- Do the picture a day for a year thing
- And actually keep up with it
- Learn how to French Braid
- Learn how to write a sales copy
- What even is a sales copy?
- Using the term grown (as in grown ass woman) in a photo series about the fact that I'm a "grown" adult but I like crayons and glitter, etc.
- The term has been used too often recently
- Liking cartoons does not make you not an adult
- The stereotypes attributed to adults is irksome
- Create a book series based on current events
- to help educate people
- so when someone says "this is unrealistic" I can show them WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
So these are more of my ideas. Within the next 3-5 days expect a post that touches Charleston, Racism, and my ex. It's a thing that is important to me and it is a thing that I feel needs to be said.