Thursday, June 25, 2015

Just Because I need to write this down part two

Yet again you've come across another list of my ideas of things I need to create and do and learn that I will otherwise forget because I don't have the time or energy to do them now. Some of these are even a year old. *Cough* cat purrs * Cough* Hence what I mean by needing to write them down. Luckily some of these have made their way into conversation and so are less easy to forget but hey, always nice to have them somewhere besides my brain.

  • Harnessing cat purrs into usable energy
    • Find someone that understands stuff like this
    • Or just learn it all mahself
      • And then employ someone to do the actual complex mathematics. Because there will definitely be complex mathematics.
  • On a related note, making shakelight style phone chargers
  • Solving the problem of death by "old age"
    • We don't actually die of old age. Ever.
    • Evolution doesn't care about how old we get.
    • Metabolism and other "normal" things kill us.
    • Yes I'm serious.
  • Inventing a robot that would take my garbage out for me.
    • Kidding. Mostly.
  • Write a recipe book where everything is garlic based
    • Make the title some terrible vampire pun
  • Figure out how to write a "cozy mystery"
    • And write one
    • Because apparently they're popular right now
    • Although I could just do a murder mystery instead
      • Always a good idea
  • Get a fitness specialist certification
    • And do pretty much nothing with it because how does one even fitness business?
    • The knowledge would be pretty cool though.
  • Write a page on my life for every year of my life.
    • Write pages for the last 21 years as well.
    • Try to become a centenarian.
    • Make sure someone knows to publish it when I die.
  • Do the picture a day for a year thing
    • And actually keep up with it
  • Learn how to French Braid
  • Learn how to write a sales copy
    • What even is a sales copy?
  • Using the term grown (as in grown ass woman) in a photo series about the fact that I'm a "grown" adult but I like crayons and glitter, etc.
    • The term has been used too often recently
    • Liking cartoons does not make you not an adult
    • The stereotypes attributed to adults is irksome
  • Create a book series based on current events
    • to help educate people
    • so when someone says "this is unrealistic" I can show them WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
So these are more of my ideas. Within the next 3-5 days expect a post that touches Charleston, Racism, and my ex. It's a thing that is important to me and it is a thing that I feel needs to be said.

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