We start writing out 10,000 words tomorrow!
To recap, for the fifth day we reassessed where we were in regards to the words per hour, our breaks, and just in general our plans for this challenge. We also practiced again, which helps in getting us ready for non-stop word sprints!
My plans seemed to work out for me, meaning that we are all still on for the 10k writathon tomorrow! I am beyond excited. I may change what story I'm working on, however. You'll all know for sure tomorrow~!
Preparing for the Challenge - Day Six
Today is day six of the week-long preparation for our 10k day!
Now that we know we are good to get moving and going, it's time to get those last preparations in place!
Pre-Writathon "Day-Before" Preparations!
Alright! Who's ready for this now?
Today we do the actual preparations for our challenge. By actual preparations I'm talking food, scheduling, organizing, getting all the things ready!
As a side note, we will not be doing our sprinting practice today.
Alright, so first on the list is food! Remember that little menu you made? It's time to set things up as much as humanely possible! Section things out, get dishes cleaned and set out, pre-cook your meats, fridge or freeze what you need!
My meals are fairly simple, I just need to section a few things out and brown my chicken for the quesadilla!
Next on the list: Paper Preparation. What does this mean? This means you should have the synopsis or outline on a physical sheet of paper. This enables you to have it to look at without having to switch programs on your computer. Besides, it's always nice to have a physical copy.
This is also good for tracking your progress through the story as you can check off the parts of the storyline you've already completed.
The next step for paper preparation is to have a sheet of paper with the hours listed down the side that you will be sprinting. It will also include these other pieces:
It will be very helpful when you have something to track your progress. At the top you may want to label it with the date and story title + the words "Word Sprint" or "10k Writathon."
The next thing you need to do is completely clear your writing space. This is the organization part. You need to remove all wrappers, unneeded papers, etc from the spot you will be creating your story. This should be a place of no distractions! It's important that you do this, as it makes it easier to write those words.
Then you need to put things on your writing space. I'm talking things that will help you. Have a clean waterbottle, scratch paper, your synopsis or outline, character pictures if you have them, writing utensils, snacks, and a fidget nearby.
Speaking of that waterbottle, tonight you'll want to fill it with water and throw it in the fridge, because tomorrow we will be putting it on our desk, along with our morning coffee or tea!
Be sure that your writing space is well-lit. If you have any personal things that help you focus such as candles, a dolphin knick knack, a picture of your family, etc. be sure to have them there! Only you know what truly helps you.
Be Ready! Be confident!
-Alexandria Hathaway
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlexandriaMazareth
Twitter: @AlexandriaMWolf
Deviantart: http://littlewolfdreamer.deviantart.com/
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